How to Sell Cakes and Baked Goods Online

-Tried-and-True Tips-

I owned a bakery for over eleven years, and 75% of our orders were online sales. I recommend learning how to sell baked goods online so you can focus your time and energy on creating delicious cakes!

This post contains affiliate links to products I recommend based on many years in the online bakery business.

Shopify is who I ended up choosing for my online store, and I'll show you why with my favorite features when selling cakes and baked goods.

Shopify helps you keep track of the inventory of the prepared baked goods on your website. Once out of stock, they will be marked as "sold-out" to prevent other customers from ordering that product.

Inventory Tracking

Cakes often need advanced notice, and you can add a Booking App to your Shopify store for an additional monthly fee.

I used the app "BookThatApp" to organize orders on a calendar, then it then sent customers a reminder before their pickup.

Booking Calendars

Shopify has a ton of apps for customization. The free app Loyalty Lion let my customers earn "Sweet Treat Rewards Points" when they bought our baked goods online.

Loyalty Rewards

Shopify is user-friendly and easy to customize. All email templates, themes, products, and pages are fully customizable, and you can use your own domain name.


On my bakery recipe blog, I go into more detail about the three online platforms I recommend when selling cakes or baked goods online.

Swipe up to try Shopify for free today!

More Bakery Resources

15 Professional Bakery Recipes

7 Bakery Secrets for Incredibly Moist Cakes Every Time